Song: "No Open Vision"
The song, "No Open Vision", is a birds-eye view of the first three chapters of 1 Samuel. God not only wants to speak with mankind, but He also desires to commune intimately with us. Unfortunately, we too often trash the relationship by letting God's words fall to the ground. Throughout the Bible, God always has a "second chance" up his sleeve. In this song, that second chance is a little miracle child named Samuel who lived amongst a corrupt priesthood.
Movement 1
Verse 1
Eli's sons were sons of Belial
They knew not the Lord though priest of Israel
They slept with the ladies at the doors of the tabernacle
and sunk their teeth into the worshipers' raw sacrificial meat
their sin was great before the Lord:
for men abhorred the offering of the Lord
Verse 2
Hannah wept with a bitter soul
For the Lord had shut her womb forever ago
she vowed to give a man child back to the Lord
if He would heal the affliction of her soul
his name was Samuel
and after he weened they dropped him off in Shiloh
the child, in a linen ephod, ministered before the Lord
Hannah, once a year, made her son a little coat
Hannah and Elkanah
came to sacrifice
Then said goodbye to little Samuel and his priestly family
Movement 2
The word of the Lord in those days was precious
There was no open vision
Eli, laid down in his place- his eyes waxed dim
There was no open vision
The lamp of God burned out
There was no open vision
Wicked foster brothers
Don't fall from random trees
Their father is diseased
Eli, your sin is cloaked in a subtlety
Your belt keeps loosening...
What are you eating!
Samuel Samuel Samuel
Don't let my words fall to the ground
The Lord, appeared again in Shiloh;
Appeared to Samuel by the word of the Lord